Institute of Entrepreneurship Developement Uttar Pradesh Vocational Education 
Department of MSME & Export Promotion, Uttar Pradesh


The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development Uttar Pradesh Vocational Education, U.P. (IEDUPVE), Lucknow is a premier Institute and Center of Excellence in the field of entrepreneurship promotion and Vocational Education Development. IEDUPVE was established as the first National level institution for Vocational Education in by the Government of U.P. with initial support of Concept Education trust in 2020.


The mission of the Institute is to promote Vocational Education and entrepreneurship through well planned interventions for different segments of the society and to contribute towards economic development.


The Institute's activities focus on building capacities in entrepreneurship, micro & small enterprises, vocational employable skills, technology upgradation, management, entrepreneurship education, social entrepreneurship, water and Sanitation. IEDUPVE has expanded its activities to other areas also which include  Faculty Development Programmes and Educational Interventions for students from Schools, Colleges, Engineering & Management Institutions.

Latest News
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